
MSM and Condom Use: Factors Associated With Not Using A Condom

From PLoS One, by Larmarange et al.

Men who have sex with other men (MSM) are a vulnerable population in Africa that has been insufficiently explored. Given the high rate of bisexuality among MSM (73% in the past year), it is important to understand their risk-taking behaviors regarding both men and women.

This socio-behavioral survey was carried out in 2007 and recruited 501 MSM. The study explored why a condom was not used during last sexual intercourse with men and with women, and considered risk factors including having sex in a public place, participation in an MSM prevention program, age, employment and education.

The study concludes that participation in a prevention program specifically targeting MSM is a major factor in prevention, but that these programs must also address heterosexual practices and the associated risks.

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