
San Francisco First U.S. City to Offer PrEP

via Bay Area Reporter, by Matthew S. Bajko

San Francisco is expected to become the first city in the country to offer gay men an anti-HIV pill that has proven successful in stopping transmission of the virus that causes AIDS.

Officials with the National Institutes of Health and San Francisco public health officials are close to finalizing an agreement to launch in early 2012 a demonstration project for usage of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP. The combination pill contains tenofovir and emtricitabine (Gilead Science's Truvada) and has proven to be highly effective during clinical trials studying its efficacy.

Under the contract, up to 300 men who have sex with men at high risk for contracting HIV would be enrolled in the pilot study. City Clinic would administer the program while Magnet, the gay men's health center in the Castro, would help identify suitable participants for the study.

"We are anticipating we will be the first municipality to implement a PrEP demonstration project and things are moving forward toward that goal," Dr. Grant Colfax, the city's director of HIV prevention, told the Bay Area Reporter this week. "We are hoping the demo project would be implemented in the first quarter of 2012."

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