Dear Women and Spanish Speakers,
We need your help with our Rectal Douching and Enema Survey! IRMA and researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Public Health are conducting a brief survey to help us better understand the types of products people use rectally for anal sex including lubricants and enemas or douches. We are trying to gain a better understanding of rectal practices and behaviors that may affect the risk for sexually transmitted infections among people who practice anal intercourse. It is a brief survey (takes less than fifteen minutes) and is completely anonymous.
We have been running this survey for about a month now, and the participation level has been high. However, of the hundreds of responses we have received, less than 10% have been from women! We need more feedback on these anal products from women! We are asking you, ladies, to please take our survey or forward it to anyone you know who may be interested. Women’s opinions and experiences matter in all things anal, and we desperately want to take them into consideration so that women can be better protected from sexually transmitted infections.
Also, with many thanks to IRMA's chapter based in Lima, Peru, we now have a Spanish translation of the survey available! So IRMA blog followers, please forward the survey to anyone you may know who needs the Spanish translation. Thanks IRMA-ALC Lima!
You can click here for the survey or on the "Rectal Douching & Enenma Survey" logo at the top of the page. Thanks again for all of your help!