Registration is not yet open, but to submit an expression of interest, please click here. By submitting this, you will be contacted as soon as official registration opens!
Abstract Submission
The 2012 International Microbicides Conference (M2012) invites papers of high quality in the areas of HIV prevention, with a particular focus on microbicides, oral chemoprophylaxis, and their interface with other prevention strategies. The conference is interdisciplinary, and encourages the full involvement of communities and individuals affected by HIV. Abstract submissions will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee for content, presentation, timeliness, and current interest of the topic to M2012 participants. Abstracts are welcomed from researchers, program implementers, policy makers, advocates, and community members, and will be considered for inclusion provided they meet the guidelines below.
Please click here to view the abstract submission guidelines. Authors should submit abstracts no later than 5pm AEST time on Thursday 17 November 2011. Click here for more information and details about uploading your abstract.
Scholarships are available to attend the 2012 International Microbicides Conference (M2012) in Sydney, Australia.
Scholarships will be offered in four categories that have distinct criteria:
1. Research
2. Community
3. Government Official/Public Health Policy
4. Media (Further details to come - Media scholarships will open 23 September)
Scholarship applications are due 5:00 pm AEST on Thursday 17 November 2011. Click here for more details about scholarships and to apply.
For any other information about M2012 please go to
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]