
ICASA 2011: The 16th Annual International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa

IRMA's Project ARM is is a project with the goal of expanding African mobilization and enhancing community capacity around rectal microbicide advocacy, eventually hoping to aid the development of an African rectal microbicide agenda through community participation. IRMA and Project ARM are going to be at ICASA - the 16th annual International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa - this December in Ethiopia - are you?

Who? IRMA, Project ARM, and thousands and thousands of other advocates from all over Africa and the world. YOU too!

What? The theme for this year's conference is OWN, SCALE-UP & SUSTAIN.

Where? Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

When? 4-8 December 2011

Why? Register to impart your knowledge, experience and best practices on HIV, AIDS and STIs; call up all players to raise ownership, commitment and support; and get your voice heard in an international platform.

 [If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]