Where: Rome, Italy
When: July 17 - July 20, 2011
The IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention is held every two years, and this year it will take place in Rome, July 17-20. The 2011 conference has a program that includes many sessions on a range of HIV-related topics. AVAC has compiled a roadmap that includes the range of HIV prevention research-related sessions planned for the conference. You can download a PDF of the current roadmap here (both detailed and abridged versions).
Or view the conference's Programme-at-a-Glance system, go to pag.ias2011.org and select the HIV Prevention from the roadmap drop-down menu.
AVAC is working with various partners on the following sessions that may be of interest:
Sunday, July 17
•10:15–13:15: Satellite, MR 1: Controlling the HIV Epidemic, the Promise of ARV-based Prevention (A flyer for this session is available.)
•12:30–14:30, Satellite, MR 2: GPP in Action: Introducing the 2nd Edition of Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials and Examples of its Implementation in Current Research
•14:45–16:45: Satellite, MR 2: HIV Vaccines and the Prevention Revolution: Shortening the Path to the End of the Epidemic
Monday, July 18
•18:30–20:30: Satellite, MR 3: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): How Will the Future Pipeline Look Like?
Tuesday, July 19
•7:00–8:30, Satellite, MR 4: Zeroing out New Infections Through Prevention Tools and Technologies
•16:30–18:00, Bridging Session, SR 1: Use of Antivirals in Prevention—Current Challenges and Controversies
•18:30–20:30, Satellite, MR 3: Can We End the Epidemic?
And, for those of you who won't be attending in person, you can follow the conference proceedings from afar via regular reports from NAM, the official online partner for scientific reporting at IAS 2011, and post-conference coverage from Clinical Care Options (CCO), the official online partner for scientific analysis at IAS 2011. In addition, the Global Health Council will be blogging from the conference. Finally, you may follow IAS 2011 on Facebook and Twitter as well as AVAC on our own AVAC on our own Facebook and Twitter pages for updates.
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]