
Paying for condoms "prestigious" in Zambia

via IRIN

Given the choice, people preferred to pay for subsidized condoms in attractive packaging because it gave them greater social status, rather than using free condoms, an official in the northern Zambian town of Mpulungu told IRIN.

A high volume of traffic and a low cost of living has made Mpulungu, on Lake Tanganyika, Zambia's only port, an attractive destination for sex workers...

...Free condoms are distributed at health clinics, guest houses and bars, but the subsidized condoms in attractive packaging, against the bland presentation of free condoms, are much more popular, even though they cost about 500 kwacha ($0.10) each.

Kaluba said the socially marketed condoms were preferred, as "sex is prestigious," and the packaging and presentation added to the currency of such condoms.

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