
High-Impact Prevention: New Approach to the Science and Practice of HIV Prevention in the United States?

by Julie Davids, AIDS Foundation of Chicago, HIV Prevention Justice Alliance and IRMA member

This week at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston, researchers and clinicians from around the world met to share and discuss HIV research.

The opening plenary on Monday was delivered by Jonathan Mermin, Director of the Division of HIV/AIDS (pictured). Titled The Science and Practice of HIV Prevention in the US, the 30 minute presentation outlined Mermin's vision of a new approach called high-impact prevention (HIP). I caught up with Mermin the following day, and asked him to talk about his speech, explaining what HIP is all about.

If this quick video grabs your interest, you can view Mermin's full presentations and slides right here - and you can look around that conference site for more webcasts of important sessions. I'll be blogging about other conference matters of interest to HIV prevention justice advocates in the coming days, including some thoughts on high-impact prevention, pre-exposure prophylaxis, racial disparities in infection, and other matters...

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