via Scientific American, by Bob Roehr
Researchers have found new ways to interfere with a co-receptor important to HIV infection, and the outcomes so far are encouraging.
A novel treatment for HIV could involve changing the genes in a person's immune cells and, ultimately, in his or her stem cells, as well. It might even lead to a cure for that deadly disease. Promising advances in that direction were presented here Monday at the 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
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Researchers have found new ways to interfere with a co-receptor important to HIV infection, and the outcomes so far are encouraging.
A novel treatment for HIV could involve changing the genes in a person's immune cells and, ultimately, in his or her stem cells, as well. It might even lead to a cure for that deadly disease. Promising advances in that direction were presented here Monday at the 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.
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