Sylewster rządzi się swoimi prawami i nie ma sztywnych reguł dotyczących ubioru. Jedyne co nas ogranicza to charakter konkretnej imprezy, na którą się wybieramy ;) Ja w tym roku niestety nie będę miał okazji bawić się w sylwestrową noc. Trochę się rozchorowałem i pozostanę przy herbacie z miodem i cyryną... no i świetnymi programami w TV ;p Dla tych, którzy się wybierają na jakąś imprezę przygotowałem kilka propozycji. Mam nadzieję, że Wam się przyda :) Dobrej zabawy w noc Sylwestrową i wszystkiego co najlepsze w nadchodzącym roku :) Oby był lepszy niż poprzedni :)
Chicago Dept Public Health: HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Medication: New Hope for Prevention Poses Important Questions
New research shows that anti-retroviral drugs, long used to treat people infected with HIV/AIDS, can also prevent at-risk individuals from being infected with the virus in the first place. The most recent trial results in the Pre-exposure Prophy-laxis Initiative (iPrEx) represent a major breakthrough for HIV prevention, which has relied heavily on strategies to change behavior. HIV infects as many as 2.7 million people each year throughout the world.
According to the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on No-vember 23, 2010, high-risk populations who received a daily dose of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) on average reduced their incidence of HIV infection by 43%.
The issues discussed here will be the source of much debate as the federal government determines how to best craft HIV prevention policy in light of the new developments.
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The Fenway Institute: Prescribing PrEP - Interim Guidance for Providers
Chemoprophylaxis To Prevent HIV Infection: An Interim Guidance for Clinicians
The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of an historic HIV prevention study on November 23, 2010: Preexposure Chemoprophylaxis for HIV Prevention in Men Who Have Sex with Men by Grant et al. The study demonstrated that men who were assigned to take a combination antiretroviral medication orally on a daily basis decreased their HIV risk by almost half compared to those assigned to take a placebo.
As this is the first published study on this novel approach to HIV prevention, called PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), using available oral medication it is likely that clinicians will be approached by patients requesting PrEP for HIV prevention. The Fenway Institute offers this information for clinicians to review the findings of the study and as interim guidance for prescribing and supporting patients seeking PrEP in advance of development of guidelines by any government agencies or professional societies.
Click here to check it out.
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Age-Specific Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Anal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) among Men Who Have Sex with Women and Men Who Have Sex with Men
An increasing incidence of anal cancer among men suggests a need to better understand anal canal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection among human immunodeficiency virus–negative men.
Genotyping for HPV was conducted on cells from the anal canal among men who have sex with women (MSW) and men who have sex with men (MSM), aged 18–70 years, from Brazil, Mexico, and the United States. Factors associated with anal HPV infection were assessed using multivariable logistic regression.
The prevalence of any HPV type and oncogenic HPV types did not differ by city. Anal canal HPV prevalence was 12.2% among 1305 MSW and 47.2% among 176 MSM. Among MSW, reporting a lifetime number of ≥10 female sex partners, a primary sexual relationship <1 year in duration, and a prior hepatitis B diagnosis were independently associated with detection of any anal HPV in multivariable analysis. Among MSM, a younger age, reporting ≥2 male anal sex partners in the past 3 months, and never using a condom for anal sex in the past 6 months were independently associated with detection of any anal HPV in multivariable analysis.
Number of sex partners was associated with anal HPV infection in both MSW and MSM. Anal HPV infection in men may be mediated by age, duration of sexual relationship, and condom use.
Read the full article.
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Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection Among HIV-Seronegative Men Who Have Sex With Men
We examined the baseline prevalence of penile, scrotal, perineal/perianal, and intra-anal human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)–seronegative men who have sex with men (MSM).
Data were analyzed from 602 MSM aged 16–27 years with ≤5 lifetime sexual partners. Serum samples were tested for antibodies to HPV6/11/16/18. Swab samples were collected separately from several anogenital areas for detection of HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/35/39/45/51/52/56/58/59 DNA.
The prevalence of any tested HPV type was 18.5% at the penis, 17.1% at the scrotum, 33.0% at the perineal/perianal region, 42.4% in the anal canal, and 48.0% at any site. Overall, 415 MSM (69.7%) were negative to HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18 at enrollment by both serology and DNA detection. Men residing in Europe and Latin America had significantly increased risk of HPV infection at external genital sites and the anal canal compared to men from Australia. Tobacco use and greater number of lifetime sexual partners was associated with higher HPV infection prevalence.
The prevalence of HPV infection is high among young sexually active MSM, with the anal canal being the most common site of infection. Lifetime number of sexual partners was the most important modifiable risk factor for anogenital HPV infection.
Read the full article.
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External Genital Human Papillomavirus Prevalence and Associated Factors Among Heterosexual Men on 5 Continents

We examined the baseline prevalence of penile, scrotal, and perineal/perianal human papillomavirus (HPV) in heterosexual men (HM). We also evaluated baseline characteristics of HM to assess factors associated with prevalent HPV detection.
We tested serum samples from 3463 HM aged 16–24 years with 1–5 lifetime female sexual partners for antibodies to HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18. We collected baseline swab specimens for the detection of DNA of HPV 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 59 from 3 areas: penile, scrotal, and perineal/perianal. Risk factors for prevalent HPV DNA detection were evaluated.
The prevalence of any tested HPV type was 18.7% at the penis, 13.1% at the scrotum, 7.9% at the perineal/perianal region, and 21.0% at any site. Having >3 lifetime female sexual partners had the greatest impact on HPV prevalence: odds ratio (OR) 3.2 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.1–4.9) for HPV 6, 11, 16, and 18; and OR 4.5 (95% CI 3.3–6.1) for all HPV types tested. HPV DNA detection was highest in Africa. Neither condom usage nor circumcision was associated with HPV DNA prevalence.
Genital-HPV DNA detection is common in young, sexually active HM. We found HPV to be most prevalent in African men and least prevalent in men from the Asia-Pacific region. Increased numbers of sexual partners was an important risk factor for HPV DNA prevalence.
Read the full article.
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Oral Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis by Anti-Retrovirals Raltegravir and Maraviroc Protects against HIV-1 Vaginal Transmission in a Humanized Mouse Model
Sexual HIV-1 transmission by vaginal route is the most predominant mode of viral transmission, resulting in millions of new infections every year. In the absence of an effective vaccine, there is an urgent need to develop other alternative methods of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Many novel drugs that are currently approved for clinical use also show great potential to prevent viral sexual transmission when administered systemically. A small animal model that permits rapid preclinical evaluation of potential candidates for their systemic PrEP efficacy will greatly enhance progress in this area of investigation. We have previously shown that RAG-hu humanized mouse model permits HIV-1 mucosal transmission via both vaginal and rectal routes and displays CD4 T cell loss typical to that seen in the human. Thus far systemic PrEP studies have been primarily limited to RT inhibitors exemplified by tenofovir and emtricitabine. In these proof-of-concept studies we evaluated two new classes of clinically approved drugs with different modes of action namely, an integrase inhibitor raltegravir and a CCR5 inhibitor maraviroc as potential systemically administered chemo-prophylactics. Our results showed that oral administration of either of these drugs fully protects against vaginal HIV-1 challenge in the RAG-hu mouse model. Based on these results both these drugs show great promise for further development as orally administered PrEPs.
Read the full article.
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You'll Never Know...
Shoes -
Trousers - H&M
Belt - Bershka
Blazer - Sh
Shirt - Sh (Zegna)
BowTie -
No need to worry...
Ostatnie prezenty zostały zapakowane. Teraz tylko czekają, aż właściwa osoba otworzy je i oczywiście bardzo się z nich ucieszy. Innej opcji nie ma! Czeka mnie dosyc długi i wyczerpujący weekend, oprócz chrzcin jest jeszcze wesele. Z samych świąt pewnie nie za dużo zostanie, wiec tym którzy mogą sie nimi cieszyć życzę Zdrowych, Wesołych i Rodzinnych Świąt!
Most influential in fashion...
Portal refinery29 ogłosił listę 50 najbardziej wpływowych ludzi w świecie mody. Są w tym gronie styliści, makijazyści, fotografowie, aktorzy, modelki,projektanci a nawet Pierwsza Dama. Spokojnie, nie nasza. Może na następne zestawienie się załapie :) Nie mogło oczywiście zabraknąć Tavi Gevinson( osobiście nie jestem jej fanem) Kto jest ciekawy zapraszam tutaj. Znajdziecie zdjęcia oraz uzasadnienia poszczególnych wyborów :) Miłej lektury :)
Straight talk with Ellen 't Hoen: Bringing down the price of ARVs
In July, the global health financing mechanism UNITAID established an intellectual property–sharing scheme focused on scaling up access to new and lower-priced antiretroviral drugs in the developing world. The initiative—called the Medicines Patent Pool (MPP)—aims to streamline licensing processes, drive the combination of multiple HIV medicines into one pill and foster the development of drug formulations for children. In September, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) became the first contributor to the venture, licensing a suite of patents related to protease inhibitors that are used to treat HIV. The task of bringing drug firms and other key stakeholders into the fold now falls on Ellen 't Hoen, a lawyer who became MPP's executive director last month after previously heading up Médecins Sans Frontières' Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines. Asher Mullard spoke to Hoen about the challenges of encouraging companies to share their intellectual property in a normally guarded sector.
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Longsleev -
Thanks, IRMA!
Is a Pill a Day for HIV Prevention Enough?
While PREP provides us an innovative and powerful strategy for curtailing HIV in gay men, we believe that PREP will only be effective if coupled with behavioral approaches that pay attention to emotions and desire and that speak to aging as well as new generations of gay men.
For years, the HIV prevention field has understood the potential for PREP to help contain the HIV epidemic, particularly in light of programs solely targeting behavior change that have simply fallen short. Ultimately, our success in eradicating HIV may be realized by coupling PREP with effective behavioral interventions. Over the last decade, our collaborators at Harlem United and Gay Men’s Health Crisis ( have developed innovative programs geared toward helping individuals reduce their behavioral risk. These programs often focus on providing individuals with a combination of knowledge and skill to make sexual decisions that reflect their desire to prevent infection or transmission. Fortunately, these agencies have had the foresight to recognize that any approach to safer sex must move beyond overly simplistic models of “rational” decision-making.
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Dosyć słodzenia, bo to nie sponsorowany post;p Chciałem tylko pokazać kilka świetnych rzeczy, które tam znalazłem ostatnio. W tym wypadku nie powiem, że jest świetny towar i jeszcze w przystępnej cenie, gdyż t-shirt za 170 zł lub sweter za 750 zł, to dla mnie przesada, ale może kogoś to zainspiruje do własnych przeróbek. Ja już mam masę pomysłów...
AVAC helps us understand male circumcision, and its impact on women
It has been roughly four years since randomized controlled trials of medical male circumcision in Kenya, South Africa and Uganda showed that medical male circumcision is safe and reduces men's risk of HIV infection during vaginal sex by about 60 percent. The advent of this new biomedical strategy has prompted a range of implementation efforts and civil society responses. WHiPT is a response to women’s concerns that emerged from the earliest discussions of this new strategy.
WHiPT released its first findings on male circumcision rollout at the 2010 IAS conference in Vienna. Teams of women in Namibia, Kenya, South Africa, Swaziland, and Uganda were part of the first, pilot phase of this research, focusing on the implications of MMC for women. In all but one region of focus (Nyanza in Kenya), MMC had not yet been rolled out; therefore, the women documented perceptions and concerns around MMC’s pending rollout, not actual or anecdotal experiences of the rollout.
Read the report: Making Medical Male Circumcision Work for Women
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Don't Miss It! Recent Trends in Microbicide Formulations
The most recent edition of Antiviral Research includes a series of review articles that cover every facet of microbicide development, evaluation and dissemination.
Editorial Board
Trends in microbicide formulations workshop
Preventing mucosal HIV transmission with topical microbicides: Challenges and opportunities
Preclinical evaluation of anti-HIV microbicide products: New models and biomarkers
Advances in development, scale-up and manufacturing of microbicide gels, films, and tablets
Advances in microbicide vaginal rings
Clinical evaluation of microbicide formulations
Combining prevention of HIV-1, other sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies: Development of dual-protection technologies
Novel Approaches to Vaginal Delivery and Safety of Microbicides: Biopharmaceuticals, Nanoparticles, and Vaccines
Notes to Authors
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The Truth Wears Off: Is there something wrong with the scientific method?
[fascinating stuff, and very relevant to our work. a must read]
In the late nineteen-nineties, neuroscientist John Crabbe investigated the impact of unknown chance events on the test of replicability. The disturbing implication of his study is that a lot of extraordinary scientific data is nothing but noise. This suggests that the decline effect is actually a decline of illusion. Many scientific theories continue to be considered true even after failing numerous experimental tests. The decline effect is troubling because it reminds us how difficult it is to prove anything.
Read more of the summary [subscription required for the full article]
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Anal HPV Infection in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men from China
Lei Gao, et. al
Anal HPV infection, which contributes to the development of anal warts and anal cancer, is well known to be common among men who have sex with men (MSM), especially among those HIV positives. However, HIV and anal HPV co-infection among MSM has not been addressed in China.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in Beijing and Tianjin, China. Study participants were recruited using multiple methods with the collaboration of local volunteer organizations. Blood and anal swabs were collected for HIV-1 serological test and HPV genotyping.
A total of 602 MSM were recruited and laboratory data were available for 578 of them (96.0%). HIV and anal HPV prevalence were 8.5% and 62.1%, respectively. And 48 MSM (8.3%) were found to be co-infected. The HPV genotypes identified most frequently were HPV06 (19.6%), HPV16 (13.0%), HPV52 (8.5%) and HPV11 (7.6%). Different modes of HPV genotypes distribution were observed with respect to HIV status. A strong dose-response relationship was found between HIV seropositivity and multiplicity of HPV genotypes (p<0.001), which is consistent with the observation that anal HPV infection was an independent predictor for HIV infection.
A high prevalence of HIV and anal HPV co-infection was observed in the MSM community in Beijing and Tianjin, China. Anal HPV infection was found to be independently associated with increased HIV seropositivity, which suggests the application of HPV vaccine might be a potential strategy to reduce the acquisition of HIV infection though controlling the prevalence of HPV.
Read the full paper.
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"Berlin Patient" declared to be cured of HV
On the heels of World AIDS Day comes a stunning medical breakthrough: Doctors believe an HIV-positive man who underwent a stem cell transplant has been cured as a result of the procedure.
Timothy Ray Brown, also known as the "Berlin Patient," received the transplant in 2007 as part of a lengthy treatment course for leukaemia. His doctors recently published a report in the journal Blood affirming that the results of extensive testing "strongly suggest that cure of HIV infection has been achieved."
While Brown is the first person to ever be declared cured of HIV, his case paves a path for constructing a cure for HIV through genetically-engineered stem cells.
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Journal of Sexual Medicine: Study examines effect of water-based and silicon-based lubricant
A new study by sexual health researchers at Indiana University found that women who used lubricant during sex reported significantly higher levels of satisfaction and pleasure.
The study, involving 2,453 women, is the largest systematic study of this kind, despite the widespread commercial availability of lubricant and the gaps in knowledge concerning its role in alleviating pain or contributing to other health issues.
Read the rest.
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Can scientists rid the body of HIV?
A new Northwestern Medicine study will undertake a bold new protocol to completely eradicate latent HIV cells that current drugs don't affect. Participants, with diagnosed HIV, in the experimental group will be given an investigational HIV vaccine that actually wakes up dormant cells at the same time regular HIV-drug therapy is aimed at extinguishing the activated cells.
“If we can effectively decrease the reservoir then we can think about curing HIV," said Robert Murphy, M.D., founding director of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Center for Global Health and an infectious disease physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
Many people with HIV are living with nearly undetectable levels of the virus in their blood, but they can’t entirely clear HIV out of their bodies with the current treatment regimens. Dormant HIV cells linger, hiding in the body and resisting the powerful benefits of anti-HIV drugs. Through the study, called EraMune 02, researchers at Feinberg’s Center for Global Health plan to activate dormant HIV cells, fight them off and kill the virus.
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Washington Post: Gays in Africa face growing persecution, activists say
Persecution of gays is intensifying across Africa, fueled by fundamentalist preachers, intolerant governments and homophobic politicians. Gay people have been denied access to health care, detained, tortured and even killed, human rights activists and witnesses say.
The growing tide of homophobia comes at a time when gays in Africa are expressing themselves more openly, prompting greater media attention and debates about homosexuality. The rapid growth of Islam and evangelical forms of Christianity, both espousing conservative views on family values and marriage, have persuaded many Africans that homosexuality should not be tolerated in their societies.
"It has never been harder for gays and lesbians on the continent," said Monica Mbaru, Africa coordinator for the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, based in Cape Town. "Homophobia is on the rise."
Read the rest.
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Colourful Day...
Kto powiedział, że zima nie może być kolorowa i że śnieg może służyć do zabawy wyłącznie dzieciom?! Ostatnio jakoś zebrało mi się na zabawy śnieżkami. Moja celność pozostawiała wiele do życzenia, ale ubaw był :) Żeby było jescze weselej założyłem kolorowy kardigan - jeden z moich ulubionych.
The Role of Fear in HIV Prevention - Attention Grabbing, But Does it Work?
We've been rather animated on this topic of late, owing to the controversial new "It's Never Just HIV" campaign from the NYC Dept of Public Health.
The long and short of it is - fear doesn't work. Check out this short, well-sourced brief from Sigma on the role of fear in HIV prevention strategies and learn why.
Here are the 5 key points:
• Fear arousing imagery can be good at attracting attention and is often memorable.
• Fear-based campaigns are more persuasive for individuals who are already engaging in the desired, health-protective, behaviour.
• Arousing fear in individuals can have many unintended consequences, such as denial or othering.
• Most homosexually active men are already fearful of HIV.
• Arousing fear is not an effective means of facilitating sexual behaviour change.
*** Also of interest, from the American Journal of Public Health (1988) Effective and ineffective use of fear in health promotion campaigns.
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