
Criminalisation of HIV exposure and transmission

"Criminalisation of HIV Exposure and Transmission: Global Extent, Impact and The Way Forward",  a meeting co-organised by the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, the Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) and NAM (, was held in Vienna on July 18th 2010.

This meeting prior to the XVIII International AIDS Conference (AIDS2010) by and for advocates against the criminalisation of HIV nondisclosure, exposure and non-intentional transmission was held to:

• Understand where and how laws and prosecutions are happening;

• Hear how different solutions to complex issues are being found in the international arena, in national policy, and in case law judgments; and

• Explore pragmatic advocacy strategies in order to move towards the goal of decriminalisation.

The entire meeting, lasting around 2 1/2 hours, has been split into eight videos: an introduction; six presentations; and an audience and panel discussion.
To watch the videos, click here.