via EMIS
This is the second community report written especially for you - members of Europe’s diverse LGBT communities. We hope that you find this information interesting and helpful! The first community report covered testing for HIV, knowledge about testing, being ‘out’, sexual happiness and the ‘sexiest man on the planet’. All EMIS community reports are available in 25 languages at
In this second report we will focus on a range of topics dealing with sex and the number and type of sexual partners, as well as testing for STIs other than HIV. Please be aware that this information is only preliminary, and that we are in the process of preparing a more detailed report for publication later in 2011. Similar to the previous community report, we have included an overview of the data discussed in this report on page three. When reading the table, if you compare the numbers of EMIS respondents in the left column with the first report, you will notice that they have slightly decreased. This is due to changes in the criteria used to exclude respondents’ data from the study if responses were not consistent. We do our best not to report on data from men who hastily clicked through the survey and who did not provide answers that actually corresponded to their knowledge and experiences.
Who You Had Sex With
In each country a significant number of you, who completed the EMIS questionnaire, did not identify as ‘gay or homosexual’. This means we clearly reached a wide range of men who have sex with men. Indeed, around 15% of all respondents reported having had sex with a woman in the twelve months prior to completing the survey. As the table on page three shows, this went from a low of nearly ‘one in ten’ of you in Belgium (.be), the Netherlands (.nl), Poland (.pl) and France (.fr) to over a quarter of you in Slovenia (.si), Bulgaria (.bg) Romania (.ro) and Bosnia & Herzegovina (.ba).
How Many Men You Had Sex With
In the table on page three you can see in which countries partner numbers were particularly high or low. Many of you (43% to 59%) had between two and ten partners, while having more than ten partners went from 10% to over 25% across the 38 countries. The number of sexual partners tells us a few things, such as, how easy or difficult it is to find partners (because they might not be ‘out’ or there might be no places or venues for you to meet). This may also tell us about how hard it might be for many of you to build steady relationships, particularly in societies where same sex couples are not officially recognised or allowed. Of course many men choose to have multiple sex partners. It is advised that the more partners you have, the more often you need to have a sexual health check-up.
Where You Met Men to Have Sex
We asked you where you met your last non-steady male sex partner (of those who had a non-steady partner in the last twelve months). The most common response was “on the Internet”, followed by various sex venues including gay saunas and backrooms of bars and clubs.
Read the rest.
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]
Who You Had Sex With
In each country a significant number of you, who completed the EMIS questionnaire, did not identify as ‘gay or homosexual’. This means we clearly reached a wide range of men who have sex with men. Indeed, around 15% of all respondents reported having had sex with a woman in the twelve months prior to completing the survey. As the table on page three shows, this went from a low of nearly ‘one in ten’ of you in Belgium (.be), the Netherlands (.nl), Poland (.pl) and France (.fr) to over a quarter of you in Slovenia (.si), Bulgaria (.bg) Romania (.ro) and Bosnia & Herzegovina (.ba).
How Many Men You Had Sex With
In the table on page three you can see in which countries partner numbers were particularly high or low. Many of you (43% to 59%) had between two and ten partners, while having more than ten partners went from 10% to over 25% across the 38 countries. The number of sexual partners tells us a few things, such as, how easy or difficult it is to find partners (because they might not be ‘out’ or there might be no places or venues for you to meet). This may also tell us about how hard it might be for many of you to build steady relationships, particularly in societies where same sex couples are not officially recognised or allowed. Of course many men choose to have multiple sex partners. It is advised that the more partners you have, the more often you need to have a sexual health check-up.
Where You Met Men to Have Sex
We asked you where you met your last non-steady male sex partner (of those who had a non-steady partner in the last twelve months). The most common response was “on the Internet”, followed by various sex venues including gay saunas and backrooms of bars and clubs.
Read the rest.
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]