by Steve Miralles
On May 11th, IRMA ALC (América Latina y el Caribe), based at Epicentro Gay Men’s Community Center in Lima, Peru, hosted a presentation on PrEP and rectal microbicides.
More than 15 men attended the presentation that was facilitated by IRMA-ALC leaders Steve Miralles and Jerome Galea.
The 15 community members included doctors, lawyers, psychologists and others participated in an open discussion/dialogue about these HIV prevention interventions under investigation and information was shared on the current state of the field of rectal microbicides and the inclusion of Lima in a RM study hopefully in 2012.
Also, the results of the PrEP study (iPrEx) which took place in Lima was discussed along with the study’s results and how PrEP could change the HIV panorama.
Participants received IRMA's Spanish edition of the report “From Promise to Product” (De la Promesa al Producto: Avanzando en la Investigación y Promoción de los Microbicidas Rectales) AVAC fact sheets on iPrEx and other information and resources available in Spanish thanks to the IRMA-ALC team.
Now underway is the preparation of a radio program about rectal microbicides and iPrex to be aired in July on Epicentro's weekly program Espacio Común and an article for the next edition of Epicentro's magazine La Antena.
Visit IRMA ALC on Facebook. And check out the IRMA ALC page on the IRMA website to see some of those Spanish resources.
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]
On May 11th, IRMA ALC (América Latina y el Caribe), based at Epicentro Gay Men’s Community Center in Lima, Peru, hosted a presentation on PrEP and rectal microbicides.
More than 15 men attended the presentation that was facilitated by IRMA-ALC leaders Steve Miralles and Jerome Galea.

Also, the results of the PrEP study (iPrEx) which took place in Lima was discussed along with the study’s results and how PrEP could change the HIV panorama.
Participants received IRMA's Spanish edition of the report “From Promise to Product” (De la Promesa al Producto: Avanzando en la Investigación y Promoción de los Microbicidas Rectales) AVAC fact sheets on iPrEx and other information and resources available in Spanish thanks to the IRMA-ALC team.
Now underway is the preparation of a radio program about rectal microbicides and iPrex to be aired in July on Epicentro's weekly program Espacio Común and an article for the next edition of Epicentro's magazine La Antena.
Visit IRMA ALC on Facebook. And check out the IRMA ALC page on the IRMA website to see some of those Spanish resources.
Also available in Spanish are IRMA's documents on lube safety:
Safety of lubricants for rectal use: A fact sheet for HIV educators and advocates
Safety of lubricants for rectal use: Questions & Answers for HIV educators and advocates
[If an item is not written by an IRMA member, it should not be construed that IRMA has taken a position on the article's content, whether in support or in opposition.]